The Christian’s Motivation for Serving God

by Charlie Bing – Why do Christians serve God? Why should Christians live a godly life? At one time or another most believers have probably questioned their motives for service and godly living. The purpose of this study is to explore motivations for Christian service...

7 Core Values for Effective Life and Ministry

#1 The Supremacy of His Glory It’s simple: It is all about Him, end of story. Ephesians 1 illustrates how Father (1:6), Son (1:12), and Holy Spirit (1:14) each work together for the glory of God. His activities serve His own purpose of expressing His character,...

Does 1 John 1:9 Affirm that Believers Should Confess Their Sins?

by Roger Fankhauser [1] – First John 1:9 makes a very clear statement, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” However, not all agree on who “we” identifies. Some take it as believers only,...

God’s Purpose for One Man’s Blindness

by Cory Marsh – An Exegetical Case Study in John 9 Concerning God’s use of Physical Handicaps   Introduction When it comes to theological interrogations, Jesus will not backed in a corner. This is true whether the questioners are antagonists (Matt 22:23-40), or...

The Reformation: A Matter of Interpretation (Part 1)

The date was October 31, 1517.  A young Augustinian monk nailed a list of ninety-five points of disagreement with the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church.  His name, of course, was Martin Luther.  Most people in the sphere of Christendom know his name.  However,...

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Why More Faith?

Why More Faith?

Faith is an important component of Christian living. Our Lord Jesus emphasized the importance of living by faith and the Bible speaks volumes about faith. Biblical usage of the word “faith” reveals that faith has two applications: the noun “faith” and the verb...

Transgenderism and the Biblical Worldview

Transgenderism and the Biblical Worldview

Transgenderism Defended About a week ago The European Congress of Endocrinology (ECE) held its annual event, which took place this year in Barcelona, Spain. This event is a gathering of researchers and scientists from Europe and all over the world to share new...

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